Rodrigo Photography Experiences Engaging with composition, movement, rhythm, and color is not just a creative outlet for me; it’s a passion that drives my work! As a child, I was fortunate enough to explore my artistic side with an ...
Rodrigo Building Back Project Case Study: Building Back – Short Commercial Documentaries in 24 Hours Client How Jauja Mexican Kitchen, a small business located in Brooklyn, New York. Objective To create a short, impactful commerci...
Rodrigo Mango Academy Millions of young Latin American entrepreneurs cannot scale their businesses because of the lack of access to digital and creative literacy. I conceptualized and created an online solution called Mang...
Rodrigo Galapagos Experience Hola, fellow explorers! Guess what? I'm over the moon to spill the beans on the mind-blowing adventure we had in the Galapagos Islands. Yours truly hosted a workshop, and trust me, it was nothing shor...
Rodrigo Misión Ecuador An Educational Nonprofit that was born after the earthquake of 2017 in Manta, Ecuador, as a solution to fight poverty by providing knowledge, experiences, and tools to small business owners to overcom...